Grid Dynamics recognized as Google Cloud leader by Everest Group

Senior Data Scientist

Gdansk, Wroclaw, Krakow, Warsaw, Poland

We are seeking an experienced Senior Data Scientist to join our dynamic team, leveraging advanced data science techniques and cutting-edge technologies to drive actionable insights from complex datasets. As a Senior Data Scientist, you will play a key role in developing and deploying machine learning models, particularly focusing on classic ML methodologies, text preprocessing, and statistical analysis. You will work extensively with Python, LLM (Language Model), prompt engineering techniques, and various Google Cloud tools such as BigQuery, Dataflow, and PySpark.

Essential functions

  • Design, develop, and implement machine learning models and algorithms for various predictive and optimization tasks.
  • Conduct exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, and text preprocessing to prepare data for modeling and analysis.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand business objectives and translate them into analytical solutions.
  • Utilize statistical techniques to derive insights and validate model performance.
  • Employ prompt engineering methods to optimize natural language processing (NLP) models.
  • Leverage Google Cloud services such as BigQuery, Dataflow, and PySpark for data processing and analysis tasks.
  • Develop and maintain scalable data pipelines for data ingestion, transformation, and model deployment.
  • Drive innovation by exploring and integrating emerging technologies and methodologies in data science.


  • Proven experience (5+ years) in developing and deploying machine learning models using classic ML techniques.
  • Strong proficiency in Python programming and popular libraries (e.g., Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn) for data manipulation and modeling.
  • Extensive knowledge and practical experience in text preprocessing and NLP techniques.
  • Solid understanding of statistical analysis and hypothesis testing.
  • Experience with LLM (Language Model) and prompt engineering techniques.
  • Proficiency in working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, particularly BigQuery, Dataflow, and PySpark.
  • Ability to work independently, manage multiple projects simultaneously, and collaborate effectively within a team environment.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and a strong analytical mindset.
  • Effective communication skills with the ability to explain complex concepts to technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Would be a plus

  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, or a related field; PhD preferred.

We offer

  • Opportunity to work on bleeding-edge projects
  • Work with a highly motivated and dedicated team
  • Competitive salary
  • Flexible schedule
  • Benefits package - medical insurance, sports
  • Corporate social events
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Well-equipped office

About us

Grid Dynamics (Nasdaq:GDYN) is a digital-native technology services provider that accelerates growth and bolsters competitive advantage for Fortune 1000 companies. Grid Dynamics provides digital transformation consulting and implementation services in omnichannel customer experience, big data analytics, search, artificial intelligence, cloud migration, and application modernisation. Grid Dynamics achieves high speed-to-market, quality, and efficiency by using technology accelerators, an agile delivery culture, and its pool of global engineering talent. Founded in 2006, Grid Dynamics is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices across the US, UK, Netherlands, Mexico, and Central and Eastern Europe. To learn more about Grid Dynamics, please visit Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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